quinta-feira, novembro 04, 2004

Bush wins....

I just can´t believe...

I try to understands you, people of America, but I just can´t... Why? A President, who has iniciate a war, who have relationship with corruptions... Half of the world is telling you... please choice another one.... Even your artists say that.... This is increrible....

I´m starting to worry about the future of MY WORLD... Maybe someday do you will think I´m a threat too.... And I think, almost five years ago, do you had a president who know who to do the things... For increvibel that it seems, he was very smart totally different from this.... "Bush" ....

After all, I have a lot of pride of been one Brazilian.... because... we can have a lot of problems but we always try AND NEVER give up... giving the goverment to a "disabled" person....

PS: I don´t give a dammm if my english is poor or stranger... I write on english because YOU never learn any other language.


OBS For Brazilians: Essa aqui é pros porra dos Americanos mesmo... PUTA QUE PARIU... Não que a escolha de um outro presidente poderia ser melhor mas talvez MENOS PIOR do que o atual.... Cara... Como essa nação é fechada a realidade....

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

esqueci de assinar o outro post, sorry!!!!
Mas sou eu sua prima pentelha que vive te alugando, mas que te ama muitoooo, bjos no seu coração...

ahhh, já ia me esquecendo, cada povo tem o governante que merece...foda-se EUA...hahahahhahahah

mais bjosss